Welcome to Scotland in Friesland
We're open from Wednesday till Saturday from 11 am till 5 pm
During festival season, opening times may vary.

Since December the "Fan Fryske Grûn" tartan has been formally aknowledged into the Scottish Registry of Tartans as District Tartan for Fryslân and the Frisian region in general.
You can now have order your own kilt in the Fryske Tartan with us.
Simply contact us!

As from August 2024 we've become the front office for David Naill Bagpipes in Europe. We sell all possible versions available, but also do minor maintenance and service to Pipes that have been bought through us.
Service to older pipes, please contact us.
We answer all questions in English, Dutch, German and French.

Casual Formal

For both Men and Women

Or just to look good in your spare time.

Official Supplier to the Clan Societies of Germany